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What would you do if the Devil himself appeared on your deathbed and made you an offer, more life in exchange for your soul? We've all heard the tale before. But for Aiden, it just became real.

A handsome, young, and successful businessman finds himself lying in the Arizona desert after double crossing a drug lord, and whose henchmen have left him beaten and full of bullet holes. Dying, he's soon to become a victim of the scorching hot sun and the creatures of the Sierra Madre. 

Much to his surprise the Devil appears and makes the proverbial offer to the young man. The only problem is, Aiden can't make up his mind. Not yet, anyway.

He makes a request of the Devil first. A request that initially seems to intrigue the Prince of Darkness. A request that Aiden just might not enjoy if the Devil were to honor it and play Aiden's game. 

In fact, the not-so-pure Gen Z'er may come to realize that he'd wished the Devil had never shown up at all.

This story is not a fairy tale. 


Absolutely phenomenal! I loved this book!! It was amazing and so are you!! I was impressed with, Last Stop Ground Floor, but this one absolutely bowled me over and it was sheer pleasure to read it! This book rocks the party!


The book begins with a very confused young man named, Aiden, standing next to his badly damaged and deceased body in the middle of the desert not fully understanding why he is there. Just as he concludes that indeed it is himself that lays before his apparent spectral self with his life’s sustaining fluids spilling out all over the sand and rock, he hears a voice besides him declare that he hasn’t much time left and would he like to make a deal? More time on earth for his soul. This he realizes, is his introduction to the Devil and the afterlife. “It’s all real? But really, how bad can it be?” Aiden has questions that he needs answers to before he can commit to giving the Devil his answer. Considering Aiden’s request the devil finds himself amused… and the games begin. Or have they?


David Wilson brings to question what trials and tribulations one might be willing to go through for a second chance at life? And if you took that second chance would you change the things about yourself that put you at the crossroads in the first place? These are questions to ponder as you read your way through the eerie, spine chilling, fantastical worlds of horror that David has crafted for us. It’s edge of your seat, high paced, page turning reading that’ll make you squirm and laugh out loud unexpectedly.


David has a brilliant sense of timing that is not solely specific to his build up of dread, but also intricately entwined with a slick sense of humor at the least expected, yet most appropriate moment.


In my opinion this book is about as bad ass as it gets and it’s definitely one that I’m not likely to forget, ever! So if you’re looking for something that is familiar, yet originally different, suspenseful, gripping, and a nonstop thrill, I highly recommend, The Devil’s Final Offer. 5 Stars!


~ Lisa Alva, BETA reader

   June 11, 2024

David Wilson’s latest novel, *The Devil’s Final Offer*, is a dark and thrilling ride that grips the reader from the very first page. The story opens with a chilling scene: Aiden, a young man, finds himself standing next to his own mangled, lifeless body in the middle of a desolate desert. As he grapples with the reality of his spectral existence and the grim sight of his blood-soaked corpse, he is confronted by none other than the Devil himself, offering a Faustian bargain – more time on earth in exchange for his soul.

Wilson’s portrayal of Aiden’s confusion and the eerie desert setting immediately draws readers into the narrative. The vivid descriptions make it easy to visualize every moment, making the supernatural elements feel palpably real. The author’s knack for dark humor shines through, providing a perfect counterbalance to the story’s grim premise.

Aiden’s journey is as much about self-discovery as it is about navigating the diabolical proposition before him. His initial incredulity and subsequent curiosity about the Devil and the afterlife set the stage for a series of intriguing and often amusing exchanges. The Devil, far from the traditional malevolent figure, is portrayed with a sense of amusement and wit, which adds depth to his character and keeps readers guessing about his true intentions.

The plot is well-paced, ensuring that the suspense never wanes. Aiden’s quest for answers before making his final decision is filled with twists and turns that keep the reader hooked. Wilson masterfully blends philosophical questions about life and afterlife with moments of levity, making the book not only thought-provoking but also thoroughly entertaining.

*The Devil’s Final Offer* is hard to put down, as each chapter leaves you eager to find out what happens next. The interaction between Aiden and the Devil is a highlight, with their conversations providing both insight and comic relief. Wilson’s writing style is engaging, with a clear and compelling narrative voice that makes the reader feel like they are right there alongside Aiden.

In conclusion, David Wilson has crafted a compelling tale that combines dark themes with humor and suspense. *The Devil’s Final Offer* is a must-read for fans of supernatural fiction and those who enjoy a good moral quandary wrapped in an engaging story. It’s a book that not only entertains but also prompts readers to ponder deeper questions about life, death, and the choices we make. This book promises to be a hit, and it’s one that you’ll find hard to put down until the very last page.


~Ashley Protus

  June 24, 2024

Trisha Tropiano

Top contributor

June 25, 2024


I was given the opportunity to read David Wilson’s upcoming novel, The Devil’s Final Offer, and it was quite the ride!


As a young man named Aiden watches, his body slowly perishes in the hot desert sun. With little time left, the devil appears to him and makes him an offer. The question is, will Aiden make a deal with the devil? The back and forth between Aiden and the devil is entertaining and often humorous, the story is gruesome and well-paced, and the ending is perfectly unexpected.

Books of Horror

Leighah Daddow  ·   

July 1, 2024


This was a cleverly written book. That way the devil is portrayed in this book as sadistic, yet funny at the same time was cool. This story gives and interesting take on how hell might be. The different kinds of torments were great in there creativity and the level of pain involved. The main character was so egotistical in my opinion that I was definitely on the devils side with this book. Nice easy read and definitely worth the time. I read this in one sitting.

Horror Reads

July 4, 2024


Get ready for one HELL of a bloody brutal ride!

A rich greedy young man crosses the wrong people and finds himself riddled with bullets in the desert. So why is he standing over his own body with no wounds?

The devil himself is there to make him an offer, a classic one. The man can live a long earthly life with even more wealth and power as long as the devil gets his soul at the end. But he must make his decision before he dies bleeding out on the desert floor.

When the man wants to see what hell is like before making a decision, it could be the worst mistake of his eternal life!

In this novel, oozing with torture, blood, and pain, the devil gives him a taste of just some of the suffering hell has to offer. Described in terrifying detail and imbued with a dark sense of humor in places, this is a dark and gruesome novel about choices and personal responsibility.

I will say that it's a fun read but in that "holy crap, what just happened" sort of way! It's deliciously disgusting, visceral, and completely engaging from the first page. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to the author for sending me an ARC with no consideration. This review is voluntary and is my own personal opinion.




Donnie Lansdale, Audiobook Narrator

August 20, 2024


David Wilson’s The Devil’s Final Offer is a captivating and thought-provoking psychological thriller that takes the classic trope of a deal with the Devil and turns it on its head. What would you do if the Devil himself appeared at your deathbed, offering you more life in exchange for your soul? This tantalizing premise sets the stage for a gripping narrative that explores the complexities of choice, morality, and the consequences of our actions.


The story follows Aiden, a handsome and wealthy young man who finds himself in a dire situation after double-crossing a drug lord. Left for dead in the scorching Arizona desert, Aiden’s life hangs by a thread when the Devil makes his appearance, presenting him with the proverbial offer. What makes this tale particularly intriguing is Aiden’s hesitation; he’s not ready to make a decision just yet. Instead, he poses a request to the Devil, one that adds an unexpected twist to the narrative and challenges the very nature of their encounter.


Wilson’s writing is sharp and engaging, drawing readers into Aiden’s world with vivid descriptions and a fast-paced plot. The character of Aiden is well-developed, embodying the complexities of a not-so-pure Gen Z'er who grapples with the weight of his choices. As the story unfolds, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from suspense to introspection, as Aiden navigates the consequences of his request and the true nature of the Devil’s offer.


What sets The Devil’s Final Offer apart is its exploration of deeper themes. It’s not just a tale of good versus evil; it delves into the gray areas of morality and the human experience. Aiden’s journey forces readers to reflect on their own lives and the choices they make, making this story resonate on a personal level.


In conclusion, The Devil’s Final Offer is a brilliantly crafted thriller that combines elements of suspense, moral complexity, and rich character development. David Wilson has created a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, ensuring that readers will be left pondering the implications of Aiden’s choices long after they turn the final page. This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a fresh take on classic themes, and it solidifies Wilson’s place as a master storyteller in the genre. Highly recommended!

Sarah King

September 2, 2024


This book had me hooked from the beginning. Aiden finds himself staring at his dying body. The Devil is also there with an offer of more time in exchange for his soul. What follows is one hell of a ride. The Devil shows Aiden his kingdom and shows him multiple torments that could be awaiting Aiden. Each one is worse than the last, if that is possible. The dialogue and the characters are great. I enjoyed the humor and I also enjoyed the references to classic movies and fairy tales. I devoured this book and I was sad when it ended. Check your trigger warnings with this one as well. There is gore, violence of varying degrees, graphic depictions of torture and language.

Joan Smith

September 16, 2024


This paranormal story is wild.

The MMC has been left for dead in the Arizona desert. The Devil appears with an offer of a lifetime. This story has many twists and turns some really fantastical turns or oasis.

I do like this author smooth style of writing. I highly recommend you find out what all happens to the MMC.

Paranormal/ Supernatural
Dark Grimm Retellings

Amanda Myers

October 9, 2024


This book was bloody and gory and very detailed. Overall it was a great read. What would you do if you were dying and the devil offered you a chance to live again BUT you had to give him your soul and live in hell forever? That is the question that Aiden (main character) is faced with after being gunned down in the desert. The story following this incident is very well done and makes you think about life and your choices and if there was a do-over button for life, would you press it.

Patricia Ray

October 14, 2024


"No one writes the devil quite like David Wilson, and this latest work is proof. Debonair, deceitful, and delightfully evil, Wilson's Lucifer gives us a glimpse into a hell filled with demented fairy tales, gore, and lots more! This original horror is also darkly humorous as Wilson is somehow able to pull "ha ha's" out of the horrible while still offering a believable version of the dark kingdom.

If you love horror, dark humor or just seriously demented reads, then The Devil's Final Offer is for you! "

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