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Sunset Kayak

To learn a little more about my books please check out the interviews that I've had with Danish author and artist, Rune Nielsen, and my interview with Nigerian author, Peter Okonkwo plus the newest podcast with Donnie Lansdale!


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My Story


I was born in Maine and have remained my entire life. My childhood was spent at our family camp on Sysladobsis, aka 'Dobsy', Lake in Lakeville Plantation. I grew up exploring the area surrounding Dobsy Lake and have hunted, fished, and wandered the surrounding woods and waters more times than I can count. In my adulthood, the camp became my haven and escape from everyday life and work. Whether it was time spent with my dad while working on the camp, or weekend fishing trips with friends; many of my life experiences and adventures, as well as my best memories, were spent on Dobsy Lake.


At an early age, I became interested in art, having a close relative who had been a fairly

famous artist in the New England area. Primarily self-taught, my choice of medium

became pencil drawings and acrylic paintings. I've been lucky enough to have the

ability to incorporate character drawings into my writing, which I believe enhances

the character development. Additionally, I have created the covers to all of my books.


As far as the book Two Seasons, many of the stories told to me by my father while we

were at camp, along with a few of the more interesting adventures of our own, became

the backdrop to create several of the chapters in the book.


During my career as a law enforcement officer, and later as municipal town manager, I've had the opportunity to meet many interesting people, incorporating the eccentricities of those I've met, plus family and close friends, into the individual characters highlighted in Two Seasons and Ma's Diner. The main character of 'Ma' herself is a combination of many great and influential women that I've known. 


In contrast to Two Seasons, my memoir, Peanut Butter Memoirs,' is a true account of my career as a  law enforcement officer and the years leading up to making that particular choice. I've used  humor and satire in many of the chapters. Other chapters remain quite serious, as there's not always humor involved that that particular line of work. The book can be funny at times, and very serious at others, and a bit of opinion added. As anyone that chooses this line of work will tell you, especially in today's society, it takes a certain type to not only be successful but also to deal with the situations that they'll ultimately encounter as a law enforcement officer.  


As a multi-genre author, I also have two books of the horror/thriller genre. One is very much a

psychological horror story and the other being more of a dark-humored, dystopian story.


Today, my wife and I live in Central Maine in the Belgrade Lakes Region along with our two

cats and one dog. We enjoy canoeing the areas lakes and ponds around our home and still

get up to Dobsy to do some fishing once in a while.


I hope you enjoy any, or all of my books and find a bit of humor in my Maine-based stories, or 

a scare in my spooky books.  


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